🌟 Finding Your Team's North Star + Creating High Performance Teams

Charting The Course to Excellence: Using the Waggle AI Leadership Coach to Support High-Performance Teams

Hello Waggle Community!

Happy August! Summer has flown by. This month we discuss the key to building high-performance teams - finding your destination. If your team is aligned on your “North Star”, you can all be motivated to work towards it. We have several new updates to share, including our brand-new website!

Join us as we dive into finding your team’s North Star, our exciting new Waggle updates, and Vinay Sharma’s proof that leaders are grown, not born.

⭐️ Focus: Finding Your Team’s North Star

Working with founders, CEOs, and managers, Waggle AI reveals a critical pattern. High-performance teams start with a clear destination. A North Star is a guiding principle of a core goal that provides direction and purpose. From there, Waggle’s AI leadership coach can foster accountability, ownership, and other crucial skills.

Culture, talent, and processes all orbit around your goals. Every leader needs to be asking: What are we truly trying to achieve? If we are crystal clear on our objectives, we can build teams that don’t just perform - they transform.

🚀📈 A Pathway to High-Performance

The most successful teams have a crystal-clear understanding of their objectives. Here are our key insights:

🖇Alignment is Crucial: All founders and team members must be on the same page about goals.

⭐️Define the North Star: Identify the next major milestone to aim for.

⏱Stay Consistent: Consistency matters, frequent changes in direction can cause disorientation in teams.

🧩Build Around the Goal: Talent acquisition, operating models, cultures, and processes should all support the primary objective.

📑Clarity Breeds Performance: The journey becomes more focused and efficient when everyone knows the destination.

🔔 What is new at Waggle

🖥 Our Brand New Website!

We are still your leadership coach, just with a shiny new exterior. Our new website is simplified, with an on-demand demo, and our features are much more straightforward. We would love your feedback, please reply to this email, we’re asking:

1) Is the design “Oh wow!” or “Oh… wow…”?

2) Do you now have a clear view of what to expect if you sign up?

3) Do you actually want to sign up?

🎙 New Testimonials!

We pride ourselves on our testimonials, the proof is in the performance. Experience Waggle through our customers’ eyes!

📌 What is new on the app

📫 Choose Your Email Frequency!

You can now choose the frequency of e-mail updates you receive. Your weekly digest contains your notes, meeting insights, and other notifications. Choose from weekly to daily in your settings. It’s up to you how much Waggle you want in your inbox!

👀 Coming Soon…..

We have an exciting new update coming soon! It’s a big project so expect more updates this fall. This is something a lot of users have asked us to build… stay tuned!

🔗 Essential Reads from Our Blog

Vinay Sharma’s Guide to Effective Management in Tech

In our “Grown, not Born” series we interview remarkable leaders and managers, gaining insight into their journeys with management. Vinay Sharma is a leader in the tech industry and an experienced manager. He is currently the head of IT at Onto and the co-founder of CreatorStock.

Here are some key takeaways from the interview:

  • Management through Agreements, Not Expectations: Reduce disappointment and foster accountability.

  • Adaptability in Management Style: Tailor your approach, recognizing and leveraging team member’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Continuous Improvement and Coaching: Take responsibility for team outcomes, learn from management challenges, help teams grow, and enhance overall team performance.

🤝 Invitation: Managers Hive Round Table

Embracing Vulnerability: the path to authentic leadership

🗓 September 18th, 2024

⏰ 9:00 - 10:00 AM BST

💻 Virtual

As part of our managers hive series, on September 18th we will be hosting a virtual round-table. Far from being a sign of weakness, vulnerability allows leaders to be genuine, transparent, and approachable. As a group, we will discuss the benefits of vulnerability in the workplace. Here’s a start:

Vulnerability in the workplace can:

  • Build Trust

  • Foster Psychological Safety

  • Create a Culture of Open Communication

Warm regards,

Sarah Touzani

Co-founder, Waggle

P.S. We love hearing from you! Share your feedback on this newsletter and let us know if you have any notes on our new website!

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